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Text File | 1994-11-23 | 27.4 KB | 550 lines | [TEXT/GRA1] |
- Preliminary notes: v 2.1.1
- -------------------------
- Disclaimer: These notes are a guide only, they do not constitute a user manual.
- “If this program proves useful to anyone out there then fine, if not then that's fine too.”
- New for 2.1.1:
- ------------
- • One bug fix: stops crash when selecting a plot window when data window palletes
- are showing!! This is such a bad bug that a new version was needed immediately.
- Don't use v2.1.0
- Introduction:
- ------------
- Graf is object oriented in the way it handles data and plots. This means that each set of data has the
- information on how it wants to be plotted, and each plot has its own formatting information and a
- list of data to plot.
- This is implemented through popup menus, thus Graf requires at least System version 6.0.2 to
- operate. It will of course operate with all newer versions. It is system 7.0 friendly, 32 bit clean
- and compatible with all macs from the mac plus up to the Quadra 950 and beyond.
- There are three kinds of windows in Graf. The first it the data windows, such as this one, then the
- plot window type for graphs and finally the stat window for statistics. Each kind of window
- has its own popup menubar to set up the various parameters needed for the final plotting.
- The data window menus:
- ----------------------
- • Marker: This menu allows the symbols and error bar styles to be set for the data points when
- they are plotted. The current selection is shown on the menubar beside “Marker”.
- •Symbols: This menu graphicly shows the available symbols.
- This menu is a 'tearoff' just like some hypercard menus.
- •Size: This is the size of the enclosing box that the symbol is drawn in (the box is not drawn). The
- “Other…” option uses the resource picture to show size changes graphicly. Note that when a high
- resolution printer is used, the PICT format of symbol will automaticly take advantage of the higher
- resolution and in general the symbols look best on the final output (where we want them to).
- •Errors: Graf allows for independent +Δx, -Δx, +Δy and -Δy errors. The first 6 options are
- various styles of errors, from none to ovals, the last two options are vector plot options, where
- the Δx and Δy terms are not errors, but actually form a vector with the main data point. One
- option has little arrow heads and the other is symmetrical about the data point and is bi directional.
- This menu is now a 'tearoff' just like some hypercard menus.
- •Line: This menu specifies the way in which data points are joined. The current selection is shown
- on the menubar beside “Line” as a line in the selected style, and a small icon to show the joining
- method.
- •Pensize: is the thickness of the pen in point/pixels, On the screen widths less than one are
- displayed as one. On high resolution printouts the actual thickness asked for is used.
- •Pattern: shows the system list of patterns, to use in drawing the line. The 'plain' grays have
- postscript grays substituted when printed, other bitmaps are copied. If you really want a different
- pattern, then warm up ResEdit and make your own PAT# resource in Graf....
- This menu is now a 'tearoff' just like some hypercard menus. It will grey out when the
- active window is not a data window.
- •Style: determines the methods of joining points, from a simple straight line to no line at all. The
- rectilinear methods are useful for discrete, binned data where the value corresponds to the centre,
- right or left edge of the bin. The smoothed option is a parametric quadratic bezier curve
- using the data points and as off curve controls and data point mid points as on curve controls.
- This menu isa 'tearoff' just like some hypercard menus. It will grey out when the
- active window is not a data window.
- •Form Polygons: If this item is chosen, then the line segments will be grouped into macdraw style
- polygons rather than simple groups. So, if you want a spline smoothing, then edit the plot with
- macdraw, select the line and choose the smooth option...
- •Setup: This is where the x,y and error columns are assigned, and any scaling or offsets are
- applied. Once the columns and offsets are determined (or defaulted) then these plus the Marker and
- Line settings constitute a 'setup'. With multicolumn data, it is often desirable to plot several
- different pieces of information,in different styles, so each data window actually has a list of
- setups, starting with the initial
- '1 of 1' . New, independent settings can be defined by adding new setups to the list with the little
- arrows. the single arrows navigate up and down the list, adding new setups if needed. The double
- arrow is used to reduce the total list of setups. When a data window is plotted, it is actually
- plotted a number of times, once for each setup in the list.
- •The 'Tabbed data' option refers to typical mac spreadsheet tab delimited data. Without this option
- strings of tabs are regarded as as single column setting. When this options used then each tab
- indicates a new column. This item is necessary for tabbed spreadsheets with missing entries in
- some positions.
- •When 'Use Separators' option is used, Graf assumes that when a text line (ie not a number line)
- is encountered, the current curve ends and a new one is started when the next numbers are
- found. ie
- 0.1 0.1
- 0.2 0.2
- c
- c coments, anything really
- c
- 0.3 0.3
- 0.4 0.4
- would be plotted as one continuous curve normally, and as two separate ones when 'Use Separators'
- are used.
- •Text: The data windows are text files, and behave like a very simple word processor (hence this
- document). So each data has a Text menus for changing the appearance of the data only, this has no
- effect on the plotting operations at all.
- The data in the data windows is organised as follows:
- •The data is in a 'free form' text style, unlike the more common cell or spreadsheet style. This has
- a number of advantages and disadvantages:
- •The best advantage is that virtually any TEXT document can be read in a view in a readable and
- sensible manner. Special column separators and so on are *not* needed.
- •The worst disadvantage is that manipulating columns of data is very difficult. Graf is NOT an
- analysis program, and any spreadsheet like fiddling should be done before entering Graf. A
- Multifinder setup with excel and Graf works very well, with Graf providing the high quality
- graphics that Excel lacks.
- • The data is still conceptually organised in columns, with the columns being defined on a line by
- line basis. That is, columns only exist on lines that have columns of numbers, and any line can have
- any number of columns from 0 up.
- • Graf uses a fairly clever interpreter to get the information from the data. This means that
- enormous data arrays are not needed, in fact only 6 binary numbers are needed (x,y,+Δx,-
- Δx,+Δy,-Δy) at any one time. It has also been introduced to the output from various makes of
- computers and can handle data with line feeds or without for example.
- • The following is a conceptual description of how Graf reads the data files:
- i) Check the first non-space character on a line,Column counter = 0,
- ii) If it is a numerical character then goto 4
- iii) Skip line and goto 1
- iv) increment column counter
- v) Read in characters until a non-numerical character or newline is encountered
- vi) Form a number with the characters so far.The numbers that correspond to your column
- settings are plotted and the rest are skipped.
- vii) read more characters, goto 2.
- {this is VERY conceptual}
- •Put Simply: any line that doesn't begin with a number is skipped. Columns of numbers may be
- separated by *any* non numerical characters(including tabs). Columns are read along a line until
- the line runs out or the required columns have been read. Any time a required number fails
- to evaluate (ie a malformed number or missing columns, a value of zero is used, mostly so
- the problem is visible and corrections can be applied).
- •Individual window may only contain 1 GigaByte of characters. If a larger data file is read, Graf
- will crash! :-) Ha Ha!
- The plot windows menus:
- -----------------------
- • The most important menu in the plot window is the “Data sets” menu. This is a dynamic, changing
- menu that shows the list of available data to plot. By selecting data window with this menu, the plot
- window accumulates the list of data to plot. When the draw button is pressed, this list is processes
- sequentially, in the order they were selected. If a data window consists of a series of setups the
- these are cycled through before the next data is processed. Each data set is plotted in the style
- defined in the manner defined in their respective setups in their respective windows.
- • The first item selects a dialog box that has all the data sets in a list. You can select
- multiple sets at one go.
- •Axes: this menu defines the basic appearance of the plot.
- •Size refers to the size of the rectangular frame that the plot is drawn in. The dialog box that come
- up is designed to work in pixels as this is the only way to be sure of the final result. There are x2
- and /2 buttons for scaling up and down easily, useful for when you want to print at some sort of
- reduction on your printer.
- • Ticks: Tick spacing are in terms of the data units, tick lengths are in pixels. The Autoscale button
- provides 'semi-automatic' scalings of ticks to the current range. A warning will appear if you
- choose a ticks spacing that will produce hundreds of ticks, either redo the spacing or use the auto
- scale option.
- •Range: determines the data values that will be plotted. Data points outside this range will not be
- plotted. If all points fall out of range during a plot then a warning is given.
- •Scales: This is where you can choose normal, log-normal and log-log plotting, to various bases.
- The data is “logged” and the plotted on normal linear axis, there are no silly uneven spaced ticks.
- •Numbers etc: This section of the Axes menu determines the setting for the axes numbers!
- •Labels:This menu is the implementation of labelling in Graf. It provides for a title, x-axis label and
- y axis rotated label. In addition a legend facility is available. For more fancy labelling, save the plot
- and post edit it with a program like macdraw.
- •Thickness: is the thickness of theframe and ticks in point/pixels, On the screen widths less than
- one are displayed as one. On high resolution printouts the actual thickness asked for is used.
- Each submenu give independent control over the content and style of each label. The dialog boxes
- ask for a string (up to 40 chars) and a location (in pixels) for the label. The labels are centered on
- the location The labels can be drawn or not drawn, and have an optional frame.
- The names used in the legend come from the columns setup for the data sets. The lines/marker
- styles are read from the data setups.
- • Special: This menu contains a group of miscellaneous items.
- • Preview…: This item brings up a small floating winowoid that displays the current plot and the
- number of pages needed to print it using the current page setup. As the plot size and/or pagesetup
- change this window will resize to reflect the page layout. It will not grow too large however and
- should always remain a relatively small proportion of a 9" Mac screen in size. You cannot
- manipulate the plot layout with the windoid. (Yet!)
- •Overlays: this is a list of plot windows. This list is drawn in the current plot window before the
- current plot is drawn. In this way multiple plots can be layed out on one page. In addition, Graf can
- read any PICT file into a plot window, so some fancy background pictures could be used for your
- plots.
- •The Draw button: In general, drawing the data is a slow business, compared to the frame and axes
- etc. So While all the plot formatting is redrawn automaticly, no data is plotted until the button is
- pressed. When there are few data points, this is no problem, and when there are many, it is much
- easier to get everything just right and then plot the data last.
- The data plotting can be interrupted on a set by set basis. That is 'command - .' will stop the
- current set being plotted, and the next set if any will be commenced. For a single set this will then
- stop the plotting and for multiple sets, multiple interrupts may be needed. This was done to allow
- finer control over the interruptions, particularly is you want to skip forward over sets to have a
- look at how a later set will look.
- During plotting, the data window being plotted is displayed in the bottom left 'information' box in
- the plot window. A percentage shows how much of the file has been read (not how many data
- points), in ten line steps. With multiple setups, one file name will be shown with the setup counters
- incrementing several times.
- •The Auto button: Same as draw, with a prior scan to set the ranges and ticks.
- Graphical plot manipulation:
- -------------------------
- Frame:
- •A single-click-drag in the plot frame allows the user to reposition the frame, the frame etc will
- be redrawn, but not the data.
- •A double-click in the frame will bring up the size dialog.
- •The bottom right corner of the frame is a resizing corner for clicking and dragging. Labels &
- Legend:
- •A single-click-drag in the labels allows the labels to be relocated. In a layered system, the labels
- are on top of the data and frame.
- •A double-click in a label will bring up the appropriate dialog. Ticks:
- •A double-click in the lower x axis ticks or left y axis ticks will bring up the range dialog.
- •A option-double-click in the lower x axis ticks or left y axis ticks will bring up the ticks dialog.
- Numbers:
- •A double-click in the numbers will bring up the numbers dialog.
- Label Styled Text.
- -----------------
- Text for lables and the legend (via the data columns dialog) can be styled. It is a plain
- text formatting method similar to Word formulas and TeX.
- Here is a summary. 'Arg' stands for any expression, including other fomat statements,
- from one character up to whole expressions. Examples here can be cut and pasted into
- a plot title dialog to see how they look.
- {Arg1 Arg2} Curly braces group many Args into one Arg
- Formats such as italics are contained within the
- braces, this is a good way to stop italics from breaking out.
- Example: See below.
- \- Plain text, stops all other settings.
- Example: {\! Tex\-t} will make the first three lettes in italics
- and the last in plain text.
- \! Italic text.
- Example: Hello {\! everyone} eveywhere!
- will make the first and last words plain letters, and 'everyone' in italics.
- \@ Bold text.
- Example: I'm so {\@ FAT}!
- will make the first words plain letters, and 'FAT' in bold.
- \& Bold & Italic text.
- Example: I'm so {\& indecisive}!
- will make the first words plain letters, and 'indecisive' in bold-italic.
- \$ Symbol Characters
- Example: {\$ abg}
- will show as alpha beta gamma. Useful in H{\$a} for hydrogen
- spectra.
- \^ Super Script next arg
- x\^2
- will make x squared. May look better as {\!x\^2}
- \^ Sub Script
- Example: H{\_2}0 will make the water molecule.
- Example: A{\_long superscript}
- \§{arg}{arg} Super Sub Script the next two args are used as simultaneous super
- and sub scripts.
- Example: SO{\§{2+}{4}}
- \\ Backslash, since \ is used for the other commands
- \} Right Bracket, since } is used for grouping
- \{ Left Bracket, since } is used for grouping
- The Stat windows menus:
- -----------------------
- • The most important menu in the stat window is the “Data sets” menu. This exactly equivalent
- to the data sets menu in plot windows, see above.
- • The first item selects a dialog box that has all the data sets in a list. You can select
- multiple sets at one go.
- General Notes:
- -------------
- The fine lines in Graf do not require page reduction for printing, a good result will come from 100%
- page sizes. If you are attempting to make multiple line segments look smooth however, consider
- drawing a large plot and reducing the printout, this reduces the quickdraw integer coordinate
- rounding errors which depend on the resolution that the plot is drawn at. That is if you have 2000
- pixels to choose from compared to 200 ,say, the a better accuracy will be achieved.
- Graf knows what resolution the printer is using, so you do not have to use the precision bitmap 4%
- reduction etc, and a 25% reduction really maps to 300 dpi on the laserwriter. The page breaks for
- the plot, using the current page setup are drawn in 3 pixel wide stripped lines, these lines are NOT
- printed. These lines are centred on the page break.
- The normal menubar menus are standard menus, plus a Data window to display data windows, and a
- plot menu for finding plot windows. The “Hide” file option simply makes the window invisible, the
- window still exists and can be plotted etc, the appropriate menu will redisplay the windows.
- In principle there are no limits to the number of windows, size of data or plots etc in Graf, however
- the current version will only handle upto ~256 windows and 100 column data and any number of
- setups! This is all limited by your available memory, but graf will work in ~400K of RAM with 10
- or so windows. Check the about… item for your current free memory. If you get low on memory
- then you will be given the opportunity to save your work and quit. Try the usual methods to
- increase your RAM available for the program if this happens.
- General Setup:
- --------------
- Default settings can be defined by setting up a window in the desired format and saving it under a
- special name. For default text settings name the file 'Default Text' (case is important), and use
- 'Default Plot' for a default plot setting. When new blank windows are required, Graf will look for
- these files in the same directory as Graf, and in the system folder. If they are found then they will
- be loaded in as Untitled-x or Plot-x (where x is a number). If they are not found then internal
- defaults are used.
- The Preferences menu item 'Auto draw plots' is the same as using the draw button all the time. This
- is only really useful for small data sets when drawing is quick.
- The Show Floats item will only be available once a floating palette/menu has been torn off. The
- show /hide operations will only apply to the currently 'torn' menus.
- Questions, Suggestions and Bugs to:
- ---------------------------------
- Ralph S. Sutherland.
- University of Colorado
- Boulder, CO, 80309-0440
- email:
- ralph@madras.anu.edu.au
- ralph@zwicky.colorado.edu
- Cheers
- Ralph (Feb 1994)
- PS Complete Version History
- -----------------------
- New for 2.1.0
- -------------
- bug fixes:
- • Worked around a persistent crash when opening files in 32 bit mode. No icons in lower list
- until a fix is worked out.
- • Added Startup Splash-Screen
- • Improved scroll bar updates (as usual :-) )
- • Added some new quit options 'Quit and save all' and 'Quit and don't save'.
- These are*Really* useful when you have about 40 files open and can save a lot
- of time. But be careful with the don't save option.
- • Improved the columns setup dialog to allow the user to switch through all the
- current setups of all the windows using a popup menu.
- New for 2.0.5-9
- ---------------
- • Mysterious Hiatus that will go undocumented.
- New for 2.0.4
- -------------
- minor bug fixes:
- • Fixed cursor keys for data and stat windows
- • Simplified About dialog
- • Fixed editing crash during low memory conditions.
- • Font menus now act as advertised below. There is only one menu in the resources now.
- you can modify it as you please with ResEdit to show your own favorite set of fonts.
- Graf 2 will automatically disable unavailable fonts. All the font menus in the program will
- be the same as the single resource copy.
- • Sounds now default off.
- • Slightly changed menu click areas on window menubars to include symbol disply areas
- as well as drop boxes and text.
- • Fixed plot preview.
- • 'Auto plot' should now cause plots to erase properly before replotting.
- New for 2.0.1, 2, 3
- -----------------
- minor bug fixes:
- • Data list selection bug *really* fixed.
- • Data list selection buttons work.
- • v1.4.3 plots with Y lables load correctly.
- • Text menu in stat windows fixed.
- • Fiddled with scrollbar adjustment.
- • Slight change in parsers to correctly ignore lines with leading spaces and no numbers.
- • Fixed test size display updates.
- Remaining features:
- • Arrow keys don't work
- New for 2.0: Major version upgrade
- --------------------------------
- General:
- • All visible text and words in menus and information areas are stored as string
- resources so that localization to other languages is conceivable.
- • Whizzy new colour menubars in windows. Color coded: data - red, plot - blue,
- and new statistic windows use green.
- • Most modal dialog boxes can be dragged around under system 7.x
- • Active window is checked on the main menubar wind list menus.
- • Sounds can be turned off when they are too annoying.
- • Completely new statistics and line fitting capabilities using new 'stat' windows that
- are similar to plot and data windows. More details below.
- • Undo
- • Floating windows no longer keep disappearing when other windows are selected.
- inappropriate floating windows are simply grayed out when they don't apply to
- the active window.
- • Background processing improved.
- • New finder icons, you may need to rebuild your desktop to see them though.
- • The font menus is organised by typeface type, ie mono-spaced, serif, sans-serif and fancy.
- • The menu is predetermined and may be edited with ResEdit if you have a different favorite set.
- Any font on the menu that is not found at startup is simply greyed out. Having the predetermined
- typeface sets greatly speeds up startup on machines with many fonts installed.
- • New styled text, such as super and subscripts is implemented for plots and display text
- in general.
- • A set of example files, data, stats and plots are given to show the neat features of Graf.
- Data Windows:
- • New text editing library, the programmers editors package v1.0, allows the
- editing of large data files. No more load headers, you can edit a multi-megabyte
- file if you have the RAM.
- • Undo allowed in text editing. Can be disabled when memory is low.
- • Tabs are supported in the new text editing, can make data files look a lot better. (see below)
- • Multiple data sets in one data window are possible, any non numerical line
- breaks the plotting and starts a new curve. See examples.
- Plot Windows:
- • New data set selection mechanism using a list dialog is available to make selecting
- multiple data sets to plot *much* easier.
- • Automatic range setting with a new button. The Auto button first scans the data sets to
- chose an appropriate range and domain to plot, sets the ranges and ticks, and then does a
- normal plot. This is somewhat slower than a normal plot, but it can be a real timesaver
- if used once, followed by normal draw commands.
- • A resolution option for the y-axis label allows high resolution printing of the
- y-axis lable on non-postscript printers.
- • Title, axis and legend text can be formatted to have super/subscripts etc. A format
- button in the label/title dialogs shows the possibilities. See also the new example files.
- • Progress display is different, neater and nicer. (IMHO)
- • Progress is faster.
- • Double Click algorithm changed.
- • Page placement of plot can also be manipulated by dragging the reduced view in the
- plot preview window.
- • Numbers can be placed on any, all or no axis. See numbers dialog.
- • logs of negative number magnitudes may be taken using the log(|x|) option in the
- scales dialog.
- • The plot frame may be omitted, using the size dialog. This is useful for curves that are
- going to be overlayed.
- Stat Windows:
- • All new :-)
- • Simple statistics. On direct and log transformed data
- • Unweighted, Experimental errors, Gaussian weight and Poissonian weights.
- • Linear and polynomial regression fitting. Up to 6th order fits, beyond that
- it stops being physically realistic.
- • A cubic spline fitting routine is available. This need monotonic x data.
- Thanks to Roland Kjellander for the algorithm.
- • Some unfinished routines are disabled.
- • There are a number of result output options.
- • Results can be pasted into a plot window and plotted, or saved as a stat
- or a text file.
- • A calculate button, analagous to the plot draw button, starts the calculations.
- • Data set selecton is the same as in plot windows.
- Bug Fixes [well, just the biggest ones:-) ]
- • The funny double shuffle (maybe that was only in 1.5.8) when closing windows is gone.
- • The intermittent crash when closing many data windows is gone, really.
- • Other memory problems, some of which may have been related to pre-crash
- conditions from the data closing crash, appear to be fixed.
- • Low memory recovery is more robust.
- • Misc Cosmetic bugs fixed.
- New for 1.5.8
- -------------
- The dark years....1993-1994 There were more bugs than features in version 1.5.8. I'd rather
- not talk about it.
- New for 1.4.2/1.4.3
- -------------------
- • System 7.0 Publish and Subscribe! Allows for publication of plots and subscription of
- data. By combining Auto redraw for plots and a new auto publish options, Graf can serve as
- a plotting facility to any program that can publish and subscribe.
- • Enabled the colour option for the marker symbols at last. (They used to be stuck as black)
- • Resolved design problems with 'Header' data windows. The file name is nolonger suffixed
- with the '-Header' text. The info box now displays tiny status icons that differentiate the Header
- files from normal data files. This fixes problems with file names on disk.
- • Can operate in the background. This is useful for publish/subscribe server setting and for
- future releases of Graf with Apple Event control.
- • Standardised the dialog button locations to suit the system 7.0 user interface guidelines.
- • New smoothing algorithm based on bezier curves to give a truely parametric smoothing. This
- means that you can smooth a spiral if you really want to.
- • Faster columns allocation dialog, you can now jump forward and back by 6 columns at a time
- by clicking in the numbers part of the 'scrollbar'. The click sound has been removed as well.
- • Plot page preview windoid. Useful for Macs with small screens, this will reduce the need
- for scrolling around to check the page layout for big plots.
- • Changed Default Text and Defaul Plot mechanism. You now need to place the default files
- in the system folder on the startup disk. The preferences folder is not used to maintain System 6
- compatibility without undue coding complications.
- • Reorganised plot window menus. Overlays is now a submenu of a 'Special' menu which
- includes the new page preview option.
- • Added cooler colour buttons/icons etc for those with colour macs.
- • Improved tearoff menus so that they don't tear off so easily.
- • Upgraded the line style menus to bring it in line with the style of the other tearoffs.
- • Fixed bug where last byte in data file was ignored (Thanks John)
- • Fixed colour menu so that the colour items remain coloured.
- • Finally fixed text scrolling (Applause!).
- • Many minor bug fixes, to numerous to mention (well, this is freeware)
- New for 1.3.1/1.3.2
- -------------------
- • Figured out 68000 mac (Plus, SE etc) QuickDraw bug work around.
- Stops crash on startup when using a default plot. I should never have sold my mac plus....
- • Also for 68000 mac owners, speed up in text input.
- • Fixed crash upon quitting without saving any modified files
- >>>>>>>>>IMPORTANT: New for 1.3.0<<<<<<<<<<
- --------------------------------------------
- • Fixed a bug when saving large files (ie Header windows) that would otherwise cause all
- but the first 28k to be missing from the saved file. This may cause data to be lost. Please
- stop using ANY version before 1.3.0.
- • Fixed a bug caused by cosmetic plotting bug fixes.... (see v1.2.6)
- {Stuff about eariler versions deleted}